We built a web app to semi-automate cleaning up inconsistently spelled names of Philippine barangays, municipalities, cities and provinces. Try it out.
The Philippines is one of the most at-risk and vulnerable countries in the world. But the geographical distribution of risks and vulnerabilities within the archipelago is uneven.
Which roads and intersections are the most accident prone for motorcycles? Where are pedestrians most vulnerable to be injured? Which routes are dangerous for both?
Minutes are the default method of documenting and summarizing meetings. But they’re also about as interesting to read as your social media's terms and conditions.
Our Data Designer, writes about what she learned from attending Information+, one of the few data visualization related conferences that targets both researchers and practitioners.
Part of our continuing series on road safety. Which roads and cities reported the highest number of persons injured or killed in traffic incidents in 2014?
Our data science lead Stef Sy shows you how to generate colorful line, bar, scatter plots and more using just a few lines of code from the Matplotlib library